Friday, October 31, 2008

Phat Friday: Mario Borelli


Mario Borelli (aka Slam and Mario Long) is a model/bodybuilder/exotic performer who is said to be of either Puerto Rican or Black and Italian descent. Below is a photo that might reveal a clue about his true ethnicity. Regardless of ethnicity, this brotha is a "combo" meal. He is meaty and muscled beefcake.


Anonymous said...

Who gives a flying fuck what his ethnicity is!!!! He's just one hot sexy dude in one hot sexy video!!! More, more, Please!!!

Anonymous said...

I love that video!

Anonymous said...

Simply fantastic.

Sir-Yellow-Bone? said...

This man commands a thousand fantasies at the flex of his muscles. Thick dudes are a personal kryptonite for me...

Felipe said...

Please, give more of Mario <3 I love him

Anonymous said...

anybody's dream man...hands down, thumbs up, tongue's out, dammm.