Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thursday's Thickness



Ian said...

Tyran is one of my favorite thick boys. I have some nudes of him, tasteful one, somewhere, but I'm not sure where they are. He is one fine brutha...

LINK said...

So Sexy, I would love a piece of those tasty cakes!

Anonymous said...

Truly one gorgeous hunk of a man. Well done Ian.

HHIC said...

Wow he is indeed thick....Very sexy,,,,Never seen nor heard of him b4 today but I'm definately a new fan of his...

Anonymous said...

Damn, not my cup of tea until I kept looking at the pics, nice lips. nose a little to big for me but it works for his face. Big booty - best part. Sexy looking bro when you look at the overall pics

D.J. said...

So nice to see a realistic built model..esp in the rear!