Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Big Ben

Remember Pipeline from a Phat Brothas posting in May?
Well, Ben (aka Pipeline) is back.

They say everything is BIGGER in Texas.


Anonymous said...

great pics.

Anonymous said...

I used to have the biggest crush on this man from the first time I saw him online. Damn, it's starting all over again! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Very, very nice pictures! Very, very nice Men!!!

Anonymous said...

This man makes me wanna give him head all day and everyday. In fact, I'll be his "becky" LOL

Grinder said...

Great, Great Pics.

Dude is hella sexy.

Waddie G. said...

he is PERFECT for me!!! I loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove him!!!

SiamIAm said...

Now THAT's what I'm talkin bout!