Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Still hanging, just busy. Come back soon for hot postings and polls.

A couple of observations.

1. Is dude a "real" daddy? Check out the toy.....the one on the floor.
2. The Rugby shirt. Is this brotha from the U.K. or "Down Under" (Australia)? Regardless of where he's from he's built like a rugby player - nice and thick.


Anonymous said...

Not quite attractive in the face, but those massive legs are killing me.

Phat Brotha said...

True. I will get flack for this, I know, but he does have a "British" look to him even if he isn't.

I agree, not the most attractive, but the thickness compensates.

Creole Boi said...

I was like "Toy? Aint no toys n my floor!" Then I looked at the pic again.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they are his. After all, this is a place where the big boys play. :)

Mr. Bare said...

lol Creole Boi

Anonymous said...

Woof! He has killer thighs!

Gordon said...

I'm no rugby expert but it's definitely not Australian - pity, because I'm Australian so I'd like to think he was close by.....

Looks Irish